
  • [10.01. to 24.01.2025] Enter course descriptions in TUMonline via the course adminstrator (“LV-Erheber”) at your chair. Be explicit about prerequisites (e.g. previous knowledge, course of study), dates / venue of pre-course meeting and deadline for deregistration.

    To enable students to select courses applicable to their program of study, please provide the correct module numbers:

    • IN0012: Bachelor Practical Course
    • IN0014: Bachelor Seminar
    • IN2106: Master Practical Course
    • IN2107: Master Seminar
    • IN2396: Master Seminar Information Systems
    • IN2397: Master Practical Course CSE
    • IN2128, IN2129, IN2130, IN2131: Entwicklungspraktika

    Credits will not be given to students who have not met the formal requirements (except for bachelor students who bring a master's internship to the master's program).

  • [27.01.2025] Courses are published in TUMonline
  • [30.01. to 13.02.2025] Conduct pre-course meetings

You might now assemble a list of candidates for your course (possibly ranked).

Although exchange students will be able to participate in the matching, they cannot visit the pre-course meetings. Please take their applications into account during the ranking process to best feasibility.

To avoid confusion among exchange students, we would like to ask you to make sure that future application forms for your practical course or seminar are accessible without a TUM-login. Some application forms are unintentionally hidden behind a TUM-login, while others, e.g. the permissions by TUM Wiki ConFiForms, allow an open form.

Incoming Exchange Students at TUM Informatics starting in summer/ winter semester do not have a valid TUM-login to participate in the matching process yet. Therefore, they receive a special login for the matching platform. By coincidence, the (not yet valid) TUM-logins (incl. matriculation numbers) are provided by the central administration/TUMonline exactly during the open window of registration for the matching. Unfortunately, this leads to confusion among some of the exchange students who then contact you about their login and TUM credentials. Moreover, some exchange students enter their newly received matriculation number in your (parallel requested) application form for your practical course or seminar. However, you will not find a matriculation number for exchange students in the matching platform. You can register students on April 1st/October 1st at the earliest, once they are officially enrolled at TUM, just as in previous matching rounds.


  • [20.02. to 25.02.2025] Access the matching system ( with your TUMonline ID.

    • Update the course capacity.
    • You’ll see a list of those students who have indicated interest in your course, their names and matriculation numbers but not the rankings that students gave for your course. You may now enter your preferences for students from your list of candidates. It is recommended that you accept students who are expressing interest in your course but have not been at the pre-course meeting; you can give them a lower rank, though. Students have been instructed to indicate interest only to those courses for which they fulfill the formal prerequisites. You can use a filter to identify students of other departments. It is at your discretion whether you let them participate or not.
    • But please keep in mind that exchange students (who are discernible in the preference list) are usually not able to participate in pre-course meetings.
  • [28.02.2025] The matching results will be published around 6 pm. Access the matching system and download the list of students who have been assigned to your course as an Excel sheet with student email addresses.
  • [28.02. to 14.03.2025] Contact the students on your list about course format, assignment of topics for seminar talks, etc. Set a deadline for the deregistration and inform students that they will be graded if they do not deregister in time. Handle further enquiries by students who did not participate in the matching or want to attend two courses of the same type.
  • [summer term 2025] Conduct your course. During the examination registration period, register students for the course exam in TUMonline via the responsible person at your chair (“Prüfungsbeauftragter”). You can use the list you downloaded from the matching system for bulk registration of students for the exam. Students who did not participate without deregistration should be graded with "X Nicht erschienen - 5,0"